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One year anniversary

One year ago today, I received a call that rocked my world. There was no doubt - just a "cut it out."

Little did I know the roller coaster I'd be on.

Hang on for your life.

Fight for your life.

Poison the body.

Recover from poison.

Radiate the body.

Burns on the outside - what the heck does the inside look like?

No, you can't get reconstruction with an implant without major surgery.

Why? We just destroyed your tissue - it won't hold.

Fatigue. Extreme fatigue.

Get strong - go to the gym.

Work out.

Ignore stupid comments.

Work out some more.

Hair is growing back.

Ugly hair.

Color it: Purple, lavender, blue, black, grey, and red. Cut it.

Still, not me. Nape tattoos, wearable art.

Eat healthy.

Work out smarter.

Research cancer treatments.

Share research. Research some more. Create a private Facebook page for women fighting cancer. Because they sometimes just need the understanding of someone else who is going through the same thing.

And where am I today?



More creative. More traveled.


Knowing of who and what matters.

And who and what doesn't.

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