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Nancy Jill's Cancer Alphabet: H

Today is metastatic breast cancer awareness day. As you know, I have been writing about MBC all month in order to increase awareness during October, which is usually devoted to pinkwashing the truth about breast cancer. As I work my way through the alphabet, I will discuss H for hormones. Breast cancer can be fed by estrogen, progesterone or human epidermal growth factor. Or it can be hormone negative - called triple negative. Treatment plans are tailored to this hormone status. While all types of cancer can be aggressive and metastasize, triple negative has the worst prognosis and is diagnosed more often in young women and in African-American women. It is the most difficult to treat, since most treatments target hormone receptors and there are none to treat with triple negative breast cancer. I want to bring your awareness to it because I have lost and am losing friends whose beautiful futures are being destroyed and cut short by this deadliest form of breast cancer. Each case of breast cancer is unique. There are so many challenges. Only increased funding for research can help us overcome them. Please donate to Metavivor on metastatic breast cancer awareness day.

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